Stefilm is one of the most prominent documentary film and television series producers in Italy. Its productions, often developed with the support of the European Union, are largely international co-productions. Until now, Stefilm has worked with over 50 partners between independent production companies, distributors, sales agents, institutions and film funds. Films and TV series have been purchased by over 60 TV networks worldwide. Stefilm is associated with EDN (European Documentary Network), A.G.P.C.I and Doc / It. It is a member of the Steering Committee of Documentary Campus.
In addition to production, Stefilm dealing with training and distribution. Its three partners collaborate with various educational institutions, in Italy and abroad.
Stefano Tealdi is National Coordinator of INPUT – Television in the Public Interest, President of Documentary in Europe, and was President of EDN. He leads workshops for filmmakers and producers on storytelling and pitching techniques and film production. He currently works for Biennale Cinema & Vr College Venice, Biotob – Biograph Film Festival, Documentary Campus, Dok Leipzig, Durban Filmmart, Festival 3 Continents – Produire Au Sud, La Fabrique Du Cinema Des Mondes – Cannes Film Festival, New Chinese Film Talents, Med Film Factory, Ouaga Film Lab, South Ecriture, Torino Film Lab, When East Meets West, Zagrebdox, Zelig Scuola Di Documentario, Cinema e Nuovi Media.
Edoardo Fracchia is a member of the board of the National Association Doc/It and EDN. He holds workshops on writing films and development of plot, production and pitching for institutions, organisations and schools, in Italy and abroad. (The Film Garage, Scuola Holden, MACMA Association).
Elena Filippini is President and CEO of the company and deals, in addition to international co-productions, with distribution. She is sales agent for Italy of some prestigious European film catalogs, such as Deckert Distribution. Today the company represents, exclusively for Italy, a catalog that offers more than 200 hours of documentary programming.